Sincere Original Almond Butter (Selai Kacang Almond) 225GR

Kategori: Kitchen | 142 Kali Dilihat
Sincere Original Almond Butter (Selai Kacang Almond) 225GR Reviewed by Administrator on . This Is Article About Sincere Original Almond Butter (Selai Kacang Almond) 225GR

SINCERE Original Unsweetened Almond Butter is lovingly made with only two ingredients—dry roasted almonds and Balinese sea salt. A touch of sea salt enhances the naturally sweet and creamy flavor without the need for additional sweeteners, fillers, or stabilizing ingredients like palm oil. Spread it onto your favorite crackers, toast,… Selengkapnya »

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Harga:Rp 165.000

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Detail Produk "Sincere Original Almond Butter (Selai Kacang Almond) 225GR"

SINCERE Original Unsweetened Almond Butter is lovingly made with only two ingredients—dry roasted almonds and Balinese sea salt. A touch of sea salt enhances the naturally sweet and creamy flavor without the need for additional sweeteners, fillers, or stabilizing ingredients like palm oil. Spread it onto your favorite crackers, toast, mix it to smoothies and sauces, or even enjoy it straight from the jar!
SINCERE Nut Butters are made in small batches to ensure premium quality and freshness.
Note: Oil separation occurs naturally in the almond butter. To slow the oil separation, just stir the jar contents, tighten the cap, and then place it in the refrigerator.
Apa yang membedakan Selai Kacang Sincere dengan selai kacang lain?
– Tanpa Zat Kimia, Tanpa Pengawet.
– Tanpa Tambahan Minyak.
– Kacang DIpanggang bukan digoreng.
– Vegan.
Ingredients: Roasted almonds, Himalayan pink salt.

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