Organic Supply Tea Tree Hydrosol 100ML

Kategori: Organic Supply | 151 Kali Dilihat
Organic Supply Tea Tree Hydrosol 100ML Reviewed by Administrator on . This Is Article About Organic Supply Tea Tree Hydrosol 100ML

This delicately herbal scented hydrosol is antiseptic, antifungal, anti-bacterial and antiviral. Used topically to help clean scrapes, cuts, wounds and most kinds of skin irritations. Tea Tree Hydrosol is excellent for fungal conditions such as athlete’s foot, eczema and dandruff. Suitable for all skin types, particularly oily and acneic skin,… Selengkapnya »

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Harga:Rp 240.000

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Detail Produk "Organic Supply Tea Tree Hydrosol 100ML"

This delicately herbal scented hydrosol is antiseptic, antifungal, anti-bacterial and antiviral. Used topically to
help clean scrapes, cuts, wounds and most kinds of skin irritations. Tea Tree Hydrosol is excellent for fungal conditions such as athlete’s foot, eczema and dandruff.

Suitable for all skin types, particularly oily and acneic skin, it can be used by itself as a toner, used to moisten a mask, or water replacement in emulsions. It can also be used for pets in the bath or in sprays to help maintain good health.

Spray Tea Tree Hydrosol after wax or hair removal, to remove sting and redness. Diluted in a douche to help with thrush, candidiasis and urinary tract infections. Spray anywhere on the body to soothe skin irritations, sunburn, bug bites, and all types of infections.


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