Monster High Fiber Muesli 700GR

Kategori: Monster | 63 Kali Dilihat
Monster High Fiber Muesli 700GR Reviewed by Administrator on . This Is Article About Monster High Fiber Muesli 700GR

Monster Health Food Co High Fibre Muesli is all natural and almost one quarter fruit and nuts. Packed with this much fibre, one serve each morning gives you 18% of your recommended fibre intake. With yummy, healthy fruit such as papaya, dates and apricots, along with plenty of almonds and… Selengkapnya »

Rating: 5.0
Harga:Rp 125.000

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Detail Produk "Monster High Fiber Muesli 700GR"

Monster Health Food Co High Fibre Muesli is all natural and almost one quarter fruit and nuts. Packed with this much fibre, one serve each morning gives you 18% of your recommended fibre intake. With yummy, healthy fruit such as papaya, dates and apricots, along with plenty of almonds and sunflower seeds, its the perfect way to start your day, and maintain a healthy and balanced diet”You can enjoy High Fibre Muesli with milk or yoghurt. Add a drizzle of honey and some slices of your favourite fruit if you like.

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