Hakubaku – Organic Ramen 270GR

Kategori: Hakubaku | 144 Kali Dilihat
Hakubaku – Organic Ramen 270GR Reviewed by Administrator on . This Is Article About Hakubaku – Organic Ramen 270GR

Ramen is a white noodle with thicker texture, suitable for more hearty dishes. Made from organic soft wheat, it is high in adhesiveness and elasticity with a pleasing texture. Ramen noodles originated in China and are called “Lo-Mein” in Chinese, which means boiled noodles. “Ra-men” is the Japanese pronunciation of… Selengkapnya »

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Detail Produk "Hakubaku – Organic Ramen 270GR"

Ramen is a white noodle with thicker texture, suitable for more hearty dishes. Made from organic soft wheat, it is high in adhesiveness and elasticity with a pleasing texture.

Ramen noodles originated in China and are called “Lo-Mein” in Chinese, which means boiled noodles. “Ra-men” is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese Characters for Lo-Mein. Japan has now adopted Ramen as its own and it is immensely popular, especially amongst younger people.

Cooking Instructions: Boil for 4 minutes for Soup and Salad
Boil for 3 minutes for Stir frying

Ingredients: Organic Wheat Flour 97%, Salt 2%, Mineral Salts (500, 501), Water.

netto 270gr

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