Gula Javara Moulded Coconut Sugar 250GR

Kategori: Javara | 64 Kali Dilihat
Gula Javara Moulded Coconut Sugar 250GR Reviewed by Administrator on . This Is Article About Gula Javara Moulded Coconut Sugar 250GR

Coconut Sugar is a healthy and nutritional choice of natural sweetener. With its low glycemic index (35), it is a healthier substitute of cane sugar for weight and blood sugar control. Coconut Sugar provide slow release energy which beneficial for maintaining stamina. Coconut Sugar is known in the world as… Selengkapnya »

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Detail Produk "Gula Javara Moulded Coconut Sugar 250GR"

Coconut Sugar is a healthy and nutritional choice of natural sweetener. With its low glycemic index (35), it is a healthier substitute of cane sugar for weight and blood sugar control. Coconut Sugar provide slow release energy which beneficial for maintaining stamina. Coconut Sugar is known in the world as sugar that is good for health, profitable for the coconut farmers, and sustain the environment

Netto 250gr

BPOM NO : MD 251128061388

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