Ougi Baby Bottle Cleanser Dish Soap 500ML Original

Kategori: Baby | 292 Kali Dilihat
Ougi Baby Bottle Cleanser Dish Soap 500ML Original Reviewed by Administrator on . This Is Article About Ougi Baby Bottle Cleanser Dish Soap 500ML Original

• 100 % US Premium Plantbased (dengan bahan pembersih 100 % berbasis tanaman) • Easy to Rinse (mudah dibilas) • up to 9x more concentrate than most baby cleanser from another brand (hampir 9x lebih irit dari merk lain) • Suitable for Fruit and Veggie wash (cocok untuk mencuci buah… Selengkapnya »

Rating: 5.0
Harga:Rp 85.000

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SKU : Ougi Baby Bottle Cleanser Dish Soap 500ML Original
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0.7 Kg
Detail Produk "Ougi Baby Bottle Cleanser Dish Soap 500ML Original"

• 100 % US Premium Plantbased (dengan bahan pembersih 100 % berbasis tanaman)
• Easy to Rinse (mudah dibilas)
• up to 9x more concentrate than most baby cleanser from another brand (hampir 9x lebih irit dari merk lain)
• Suitable for Fruit and Veggie wash (cocok untuk mencuci buah dan sayur)
• PH balanced 7.
• No afterwash residue.
• No colouring / Dyes.
• No harmful chemical (tidak ada bahan kimia berbahaya)
• No Paraben / No SLS.

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